Integration with Orchestra in Transpetrol, a.s.

Fabrici Management Consulting implemented Orchestra ESB as a key Integration Platform to Transpetrol, a.s. Fabrici Management Consulting has implemented new Enterprise Service Bus Orchestra (from Soffico company) to Transpetrol, a.s. as a key IT component within the business environment to provide broad scale of integration and orchestration capabilities. The main objective is to deliver an integration hub that will consolidate system’s API and access to the system’s interfaces via WEB service technology. The primary goal is to integrate RIS (GIS based Information System), ECM (Enterprise Content Management) as well as ERP (SAP ERP) with SCADA to provide an on-line access to consolidated information.

2020-04-29T18:26:42+02:00February 25th, 2016|

Enterprise Architecture in Transpetrol, a.s.

Fabrici Management Consulting signed new contract to finalize the Automation of Enterprise Architecture in Transpetrol, a.s. Using the BiZZdesign Architect tool, Fabrici Management Consulting implements the Integration of EA Tool with external Data sources to provide up-to-date and accurate data within the EA Repository used for Enterprise Reporting.

2020-04-29T18:27:06+02:00August 14th, 2015|